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He aha te mea nui o tenei ao? ​He tangata, He tangata, He tangata


​Welcome to Pomare School

​Our vision is to develop confident, respectful and resilient learners. We are a small school, but abundant in diversity, aroha and joy!
Nau mai, haere mai!





​​Perseverance   Respect   Integrity   Diversity   Empathy​


Kia ora and welcome to our beautiful school!


Pomare School is a small multicultural school situated at the north end of Taita. Our students fill our school with their wide smiles, vibrant energy and thirst for knowledge. They embrace every opportunity to learn, be that within school or on excursions in the wider community. We are very proud of the school's adventure playground where children can build their confidence and make lasting memories and friendships. Teachers and support staff alike, work hard to ensure the tamariki feel supported and have every opportunity to excel. If you are looking for a safe and loving environment where your child can thrive, please come and have a look at what we have to offer. We can’t wait to meet you and your tamariki.


What's happening at Pomare School?

Latest Notices

Avalon Intermediate Uniform Shop
20 Nov 2024

Kia ora Year 6 Whānau,

If your child is going to Avalon Intermediate next year, this notice is for you.

The AIS uniform shop will be open this Friday, 22 November, from 3:00-6:00pm, in the Avalon Intermediate School Hall.

If you are intending to send your child to AIS but havent yet enrolled them, they will have enrolment forms there for you to complete.

Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

New World Stokes Valley Wildflower Hairdressing Belmont Quarry
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Download our Skool Loop App, a simple and free download. In Google Play & App Store search ‘Skool Loop’ and choose our school once installed.

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